Ostomy Association of the Americas
About Us
The purpose of OAA is to provide an Association of affiliated Regional Associations committed to the improvement of the quality of life of ostomates in the Americas; to create a society where people with ostomies and intestinal or urinary diversions are universally accepted and supported socially, economically, medically and psychologically.
The geographic area served by OAA includes North America, Central America, the Caribbean Basin and South America.
The work of OAA, directed by ostomates, will be organized by a Coordination Committee. The Association encourages the highest possible standards of surgery, medical attention and patient after-care for ostomates; and, the use by medical professionals, of trained ostomate volunteers as members of multi-disciplinary teams organized to help rehabilitate ostomates. It will support efforts to form Ostomy Associations where needed and will promote awareness about the rights of ostomy patients.
OAA is organized to provide to its affiliated Regional Associations services common to all to provide a forum for the exchange of information of the work and experiences ALADO and NCACOA; to promote awareness of the rights of ostomy patients; to serve as a point of contact for allied organizations Regional in scope.
OAA will provide services common to ALADO and NCACOA by: maintaining an Internet website; publishing periodic activity reports; serving as a source of advice and counsel to the leadership of ALADO and NCACOA if called upon by the leadership to provide this service; coordinating distribution of information to ALADO and NCACOA; providing resources for the fulfillment of ostomy patient rehabilitation programs, initiatives and activities undertaken by ALADO and NCACOA; assisting in the planning and formation of new sub regional associations; serving as a point of contact for allied organizations and corporations doing business in the Americas; and by coordinating the convening of periodic OAA Regional Conferences.
Meet The Board
Martha Vélez de Nieves
AOPR - Puerto Rico
ostomizadospr@yahoo.com -
Mariela Acero de Romero
Vice President
ACDO - Colombia
asostomiascolombia@gmail.com -
Kenneth W Aukett
UOAA - United States of America
kenaukett@gmail.com -
Teresa Antequera
BOC - Bolivia
Get in touch.
It all begins with you. Contact us to hear about ways you can join, participate and be involved with Ostomy Association of the Americas.