International Ostomy Association:
Ostomy Association of the Americas 20/40 Focus Group
Leading this new initiative is Maria-Jose Bouey, Director of the OAA 20/40 Focus Group. She will be overseeing all fundraising, social media and communication direction.
We are thrilled to have you join us! We encourage you to invite all those living with a medical diversion between the ages of 20-40 to connect with us, and stay tuned for more news!
The IOA OAA 20/40 Focus Group Team
Our Objectives
To provide an opportunity for ostomates and those who have a continent ostomy procedure between the ages of 20 and 40, to participate in communications, education and social engagements designed to stimulate the exchange of information and expand the knowledge of life with an ostomy.
To provide an opportunity to share, identify and target the needs and challenges encountered by the 20/40 participants. Thus providing a platform to voice and inform IOA and its affiliates, thereby allowing them to seek support, solutions and develop concrete plans to address the concerns.
To familiarize the young adults of the world with the International Ostomy Association (IOA, its affiliated Regions - Asia South Pacific Ostomy Association - ASPOA; European Ostomy Association - EOA; Ostomy Association of the Americas - OAA ) and their Member Associations, and, to establish a worldwide network of 20/40 participants who are engaged, educated and empowered through these affiliates.
To facilitate communication between the 20/40 participants and medical manufacturers enabling this community to experience a diverse variety in medical products, sharing their feedback and achieving better communication for both the medical manufacturer and the 20/40 patient community.
Want to learn more about the IOA?
Meet The Board
Maria-Jose Bouey